Housing Opportunity for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Per 24 CFR Part 574, HOPWA funds may be used to assist all forms of housing designed to assist individuals with HIV/AIDS and their affected family members. HOPWA funds may be used, but is not limited to, the following: resource identification, acquisition, rehabilitation, conversion, lease and repair of facilities, new construction, tenant-based rental assistance (TBRA), short-term rent, mortgage, and utility (STRMU) assistance, supportive services, operating costs for housing, technical assistance, and administrative expenses. Grantee Program Administration is capped at 3% per year.
For more information about Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS, please visit www.hudexchange.info/ .
The City of Tampa oversees the HOPWA program for Hernando, Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas Counties.
Agencies currently funded by the City of Tampa with HOPWA funds (FY25PY24):
- BayCare Behavioral Health, Inc. uses HOPWA funds to provide permanent-based housing assistance to 13 households affected by HIV/AIDS in Pasco and Hernando Counties. Specifically, HOPWA funds will be used to provide maintenance, repairs, operating and administrative costs.
HOPWA Funding: $262,000
Phone: 727-315-8712
Website: www.baycare.org
- Boley Centers, Inc. uses HOPWA funds to provide a tenant-based rental assistance program for persons with HIV/AIDS and their affected family members. HOPWA funds will also help support operating and administrative costs associated with these services. HOPWA funds will assist 85 households in Pinellas County.
HOPWA Funding: $1,172,704
Phone: 727-821-4819 (Ext. 5748)
Website: https://boleycenters.org/
- Catholic Charities Diocese of St. Petersburg, Inc. – Mercy Apartments utilizes HOPWA funds to provide permanent facility-based housing operations of Mercy Apartments. HOPWA funds will pay for direct services, operations, and administrative costs to income-eligible persons with HIV/AIDS. HOPWA funds will assist 4 unduplicated households with permanent supportive housing in Hillsborough County.
HOPWA Funding: $82,132
Phone: 813-375-3933
Website: http://www.ccdosp.org/
- Catholic Charities Diocese of St. Petersburg, Inc. – Mercy House utilizes HOPWA funds to provide short-term or transitional based housing operations of Mercy House. HOPWA funds will pay for direct services, operations, and administrative costs to income-eligible persons with HIV/AIDS. HOPWA funds will assist 28 households with permanent supportive housing in Hillsborough County.
HOPWA Funding: $336,601
Phone: 813-375-3933
Website: http://www.ccdosp.org/
- Catholic Charities Diocese of St. Petersburg, Inc. – Tenant-Based Rental Housing uses HOPWA funds to provide a tenant-based rental assistance program for persons with HIV/AIDS and their affected family members throughout Hillsborough County. HOPWA funds will also cover operating and administrative costs. HOPWA funds will assist 80 households in Hillsborough and Hernando County.
HOPWA Funding: $984,967
Phone: 813-375-3933
Website: http://www.ccdosp.org/
- Empath Partners in Care (EPIC) uses HOPWA funds to provide a tenant-based rental assistance program for persons with HIV/AIDS and their affected family members throughout Pinellas County. HOPWA funds will also cover operating and administrative costs. HOPWA funds will assist 31 unduplicated eligible clients in Pinellas County.
HOPWA Funding: $357,115
Phone: 813-237-3066
Website: https://myepic.org/
- Empath Partners in Care (EPIC) uses HOPWA funds to provide a tenant-based rental assistance program for persons with HIV/AIDS and their affected family members throughout Pasco County. HOPWA funds will also cover operating and administrative costs. HOPWA funds will assist 15 unduplicated eligible clients in Pasco County.
HOPWA Funding: $230,469
Phone: 813-237-3066
Website: https://myepic.org/
- Empath Partners in Care (EPIC) provides supportive services that include adult mental health and substance abuse counseling, adult recreational therapy, children’s support services, nutritional services, and transportation. HOPWA funds will provide income-eligible persons with HIV/AIDS will be assisted with supportive services and assist with operating and administrative costs. HOPWA funds will assist 280 unduplicated eligible clients in Hillsborough County.
HOPWA Funding: $260,000
Phone: 813-237-3066
Website: https://myepic.org/
- Empath Partners in Care (EPIC) provides Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utility assistance for HOPWA-eligible homeowners and renters needing financial stabilization. HOPWA funds will assist 43 unduplicated eligible clients in Hillsborough County.
HOPWA Funding: $128,163
Phone: 813-237-3066
Website: https://myepic.org/
- Empath Partners in Care (EPIC) provides supportive services that include adult mental health and substance abuse counseling, adult recreational therapy, children’s support services, nutritional services, and transportation. HOPWA funds will provide income-eligible persons with HIV/AIDS will be assisted with supportive services and assist with operating and administrative costs. HOPWA funds will assist 150 unduplicated eligible clients in Pinellas County.
HOPWA Funding: $102,888
Phone: 813-237-3066
Website: https://myepic.org/
- Empath Partners in Care (EPIC) provides housing assistance and supportive services for eligible beneficiaries, coordination and planning activities. These HOPWA funds will also cover grants management and administration. The assistance includes supportive services such as adult mental health and substance abuse counseling, adult recreational therapy, nutritional services, transportation, life skills management, and light housekeeping to assist 25 unduplicated HOPWA-eligible households. These HOPWA funds provides a tenant-based rental assistance program assisting 50 unduplicated HOPWA-eligible households, provides facility operations to no less than 2 units, and lastly provides other housing assistance in Hillsborough County.
HOPWA Funding: $726,300
Phone: 813-237-3066
Website: https://myepic.org/
- Housing Authority of the City of Tampa provides tenant-based rental assistance for persons with HIV/AIDS and their affected family members throughout Hillsborough County. HOPWA funds will be utilized to provide rental assistance vouchers and administrative costs. HOPWA funds will assist 75 unduplicated households in Hillsborough County.
HOPWA Funding: $1,081,583.82
Phone: 813-253-0551 (Ext. 1080)
Website: http://www.thafl.com/
- Metro Inclusive Health provides short-term rent/mortgage/utility assistance and supportive services for persons with HIV/AIDS and their affected family members throughout Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties. HOPWA funds will assist 250 unduplicated households in Hillsborough County and 150 unduplicated households in Pinellas County.
HOPWA Funding: $295,000
Phone: 727-321-3854 (Ext. 8007)
Website: https://www.metrotampabay.org/