Housing Programs

Housing & Community Development event

Housing & Community Development event

Housing and Community Events

Free Homebuyers Workshop
Virtual Homebuyer Education Workshop 4/16/25 - 4/18/25

The Housing Counseling team is here to assist City of Tampa residents with their housing financial needs.  We are a HUD approved Housing Counseling agency that offers a host of services to help residents to obtain and or maintain their homeownership goals. 

  • "Dare to Own the Dream" Homeownership Program - The City of Tampa offers down payment assistance loans to income eligible home buyers of property within the City limits of Tampa.  The program provides up to $40,000 to assist income eligible first time homebuyers to achieve the dream of homeownership.
  • Homeownership and Financial Education Services - The City of Tampa’s Housing and Community Development Division (HCD), through its Housing Counseling Agency partners, will provide Homebuyer Education classes (English and Spanish), Homebuyer Counseling services and down payment & closing cost assistance funds for qualified homebuyers. 
  • Owner-Occupied Rehab - The City’s Owner-Occupied Rehab (OOR) Program is designed to help maintain decent, safe and affordable housing for Tampa’s low/moderate-income families. The program helps eligible homeowners, who are financially unable to bring their homes into compliance with the City’s Florida Building Code or make other needed repairs to their homes.

For more information on these programs, see the links on the left or contact (813) 274-7954.