The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Per 24 CFR 576, ESG funds may be used to assist homeless individuals and families to quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness. ESG funds may be used, but is not limited to the following: administration street outreach, emergency shelter, homelessness prevention assistance, rapid re-housing assistance and the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). ESG funding will help to engage homeless individuals and families living on the street, improve the number and quality of emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families with operation costs, rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families, and prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless.
All agencies receiving ESG assistance, unless federally exempt, comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the CFR, Part 576 Emergency Solutions Grant Program Requirements, Section 576.400 (f) regarding the use of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). The local HMIS is known as UNITY. Sub-recipients must also adhere to the terms set in the UNITY Agency Partner Agreement. The Sub-recipient, unless federally exempt, comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the 24 CFR Part 576 Emergency Solutions Grant Program Requirements, Section 576.400 (d) (regarding the use of a centralized or coordinated intake and assessment). Sub-recipients must adhere to the process administered in Hillsborough County through the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative’s Coordinated Intake and Assessment process (CI&A) and use of the Vulnerability Index – Service Prioritization and Decision Assessment Tool (VI-SPDAT).
For more information about the Emergency Solutions Grant, please visit .
The City of Tampa has partnered with the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative (THHI) for the management of ESG funds. THHI will oversee the subrecipient agreements and administration of ESG funds to three homeless service providers.
Agencies currently funded by the City of Tampa with ESG funds:
Dawning Family Services (formerly Alpha House of Tampa) currently provides emergency homeless services for the purpose of creating a suitable living environment for homeless persons. Specifically, Dawning Family Services will utilize Grant Funds to provide housing relocation and stabilization services and short and/or medium-term rental assistance as necessary to help a homeless individual or family move as quickly as possible into permanent housing and achieve stability in that housing. ESG funds will be used to provide housing stabilization to at least 25 households.
ESG Funding: $87,043
Phone: 813-875-2024
- The Spring of Tampa Bay, Inc provides safe haven, emergency shelter, and supportive services to victims of domestic violence. The Spring of Tampa Bay provides a continuum of services that include emergency shelter; children’s services including shelter case management; transitional housing; and outreach services. ESG funds will be used for shelter operations which will benefit 850 unduplicated individuals within the City of Tampa limits. The location of this shelter is confidential.
ESG Funding: $91,500
Phone: 813-247-SAFE (7233)
- Catholic Charities provides rapid re-housing assistance for individuals and families who are homeless. Rapid Re-Housing services are provided by an onsite case manager/family care worker to provide short-term assistance to families who are homeless. Services include relocation and stabilization, rental and utility deposits and arrear payments as well as up to three months of rental assistance. ESG funds will be used to house approximately 25 unduplicated households.
ESG Funding: $87,042
Phone: 813-631-4022