Foreclosure Prevention

The City of Tampa's Housing & Community Development (HCD) Staff provides Foreclosure Prevention Counseling and assistance through various programs and services.

Foreclosure Prevention Counseling assists with the following:

  • Budget Preparation
  • Contacting the Servicer / Mortgage Lender to discuss available options
  • Reviewing and filling out necessary mortgage documentation
  • Develop and maintain both verbal and written communication with the Homeowner

The link below will take you to a downloadable Foreclosure Prevention Packet which can be printed and filled out prior to your appointment.

Foreclosure Prevention Packet 

Florida Hardest-Hit Fund (HHF)

First announced on February 19, 2010, by the US Department of the Treasury (Treasury), the “Housing Finance Agency (HFA) Innovation Fund for the Hardest-Hit Housing Markets” (HFA Hardest-Hit Fund) provides federal funding to states hardest hit by the aftermath of the burst of the housing bubble. To date, $7.6 billion has been allocated to 18 states and the District of Columbia; Florida’s share totals more than $1 billion. The Florida Hardest-Hit Fund (HHF) Programs are as follows:

Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program (UMAP) will provide up to 12 months of payments (with a cap of $24,000) to the mortgage lender to assist unemployed or underemployed borrowers with their first mortgage until they can resume full payments on their own. In addition, up to $18,000 can be paid to help satisfy all or some of any past due amounts owed; this assistance will be paid prior to the UMAP payments beginning and cannot exceed $18,000 total. Any past due amounts over and above the $18,000 are the responsibility of the homeowner. Total assistance available is up to $42,000.

Mortgage Loan Reinstatement Payment (MLRP) Program will be used as a one-time payment to help satisfy all or some of any past due amounts owed on the first mortgage, only. This assistance cannot exceed $25,000 total, and any past due amounts over and above the $25,000 are the responsibility of the homeowner.